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Top 5 Tech Trends That Will Change the Legal Industry in 2023

Over the past decade, the legal industry has undergone a significant transformation. During this time, we have seen the rise of online legal services, the adoption of e-discovery software, and the use of artificial intelligence for streamlining legal processes. As we look ahead, the pace of change shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, we are likely to see a new wave of legal tech trends that will transform the way lawyers and legal professionals work at an accelerated rate. From cloud-based technology to online dispute resolution, let's take a closer look at some of the key legal tech trends for this year.

Cloud-based Technology

One of the most important legal tech trends in 2023 is going to be the widespread adoption of Cloud-based technology. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of law firms and legal departments transition to the Cloud-based applications to facilitate remote work. By storing data in the Cloud, law firms can access legal information from anywhere, collaborate in real-time, and reduce their reliance on paper-based documents. According to Gartner, Inc., the global expenditure on public cloud services is expected to rise by 20.7% in 2023, reaching a total of $591.8 billion, which is an increase from $490.3 billion in 2022.

AI and Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will continue to expand in the legal industry in 2023. AI-powered tools will enable lawyers to analyze large volumes of data more quickly, automate repetitive tasks, and make better use of their time. By utilizing AI tools, companies can reduce the time spent managing endless stacks of documents and streamline the process of contract analysis, legal research, and document review.


In 2023, blockchain technology will become more widely used in the legal sector. Blockchain technology has the power to transform the legal industry by providing decentralized digital ledgers for verifying and recording transactions without involving a central authority. With smart contracts and a digital land registry, blockchain technology can be used to verify ownership and transfer of property, reducing errors, fraud, and making the transfer process more efficient.

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) 

Online dispute resolution (ODR) will continue to grow. ODR platforms offer an efficient and cost-effective way for parties to resolve disputes online, without the need for face-to-face meetings. This technology can help reduce the backlog of cases in court systems and provide access to justice for more people. One of the leading examples has been the ODR platform within the European Union, which is used by consumers and traders to resolve disputes related to online purchases. The platform facilitates communication between the parties and allows them to find a mutually acceptable solution to their disputes. 


Cybersecurity remains a major challenge for law firms, with sensitive records being exposed and global financial losses exceeding $1 trillion per year. Confidentiality is crucial for legal professionals, who have a duty to protect clients' sensitive information. A top legal tech trend for 2023 is making cybersecurity easier for attorneys. This is made possible through increased investments in tech resources such as secure communication and document sharing tools. Therefore, with the increasing use of technology in the legal industry, cybersecurity will inevitably become a key focus in 2023. Law firms and legal departments will need to take proactive steps to protect their clients' data and ensure that their networks and systems are secure.

Technology will continue to revolutionize the legal sector by enhancing the accessibility, affordability, and efficiency of legal services. One benefit of this is that individuals will be able to access legal services more efficiently and at a lower cost. On the other hand, technology will revolutionize the workflow of attorneys and law firms, giving them tools to automate mundane tasks and focus on what matters most. However, being able to take advantage of this transformation, will require a combination of technical skills and flexible, growth-oriented culture. 

Lawformer remains at the forefront of the legal tech revolution. Using our platform, attorneys can create complex legal documents in a few simple steps. Allowing them to optimize their workflow and free up time for strategic planning. Our qualified attorneys have drafted and compiled all key legal resources so that you do not have to. Join us today and enjoy the benefits of the technology-enabled transformation.